We can answer all of your questions about adoption
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We can answer all of your questions about adoption
Call Us 24/7 - 412-706-4274

Why should I work with Alliance for Children?
Alliance has helped birth mothers and adoptive families for over 40 years. We care about your needs during your pregnancy, before and after you place your baby. We can provide counseling, help in finding a doctor and medical care, help in choosing a family, and assist you with pregnancy-related expenses. Have more questions?  We can answer them now. 


Will it cost me anything to place my child for adoption?

No, it will not cost you anything. All adoption related expenses will be covered by the adopting parents.

Can I have financial assistance?
Yes, you can receive financial assistance. The adopting parents can help pay for your living expenses that may include rent, phone, utilities, food, transportation and maternity clothes. 
Can I choose my child’s family?

Yes, you can choose the family for your child . Alliance has families that are loving, stable, financially secure and safe.  You tell us what is important to you in a family, and we will help you find the family you want for your child.

How can I be sure that my child will not be abused or neglected?
Alliance has prescreened all of our adoptive parents. All adoptive families must meet the highest standards, they must have a stable home, with excellent personal references, employment verification, health and medical forms, and approved clearances by the State Police and FBI.
What happens if I am in labor or have my child before making an adoption plan?

We can help you. If you are far along in your pregnancy, in labor or already have had your child, we will still help you find a loving family for your child.

Will I be able to see my child in the hospital?

Yes. We will work with you to make a hospital plan and will discuss all your wishes, including the amount of time you want with your baby at the hospital.

When will my child go home with the adopting family?

Most birth mothers want their child to go home with the adopting family when the child leaves the hospital.

What kind of contact can I have with my child and the adopting family?

This is your adoption plan and you can choose how much contact you want with the adopting family before your child is born and after you have placed. We will share with you what it looks like to have an open, semi-open or closed adoption and will ask you to tell us what feels best for you and your child. Alliance for Children’s families respect your wishes and will always want you to know that your child is loved and well cared for.

In an open adoption, you will choose the adopting family, meet and get to know the family and have ongoing contact before and after your child is born and placed.

In a semi-open adoption, you may choose the family and/or receive ongoing updates, letters and pictures through the agency.

In a closed adoption, you will ask us to choose a family for your child and you have no contact with the family.

Is placing my child for adoption permanent?

Yes. After you sign a release of parental rights, the child legally becomes a permanent member of the adoptive family.

What are the permanency steps?

1. Sign an adoption consent 2. parental rights are then transferred to the adopting parents and the adoption becomes permanent. Adoption is not a temporary solution such as foster care.

Will anybody find out about me placing my child for adoption?

All information that you share with us is private and confidential. No one in your life will be told of your adoption plan unless you choose to tell them.


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We understand this is a difficult decision and are here to support you. Alliance is here to answer your questions, talk about your options and listen to you and what you feel is best for your baby. If you have questions or would like to talk, please fill out the form and let us know the best way to reach you.