My experience with Alliance for Children Adoption Agency has been a very good one. They were wonderful and helpful. They do not pressure you and they let you know it is your decision. I never felt nervous through the process. I never felt judged. Alliance was my support system. My caseworker, Elisabeth, stayed in contact with me throughout the whole pregnancy. And she continued to check on me after my baby was placed for adoption.
I chose adoption because financially things in my life were not good. My 2 year old daughter and I were living on my friend’s couch. I was trying to save money and get a place. I did not have the money to support the baby I was about to have. I was alone and felt depressed.
I am happy knowing I blessed a family with the gift of life and that I gave my baby a good life. I am also happy knowing that my words and my experience can help other birth mothers. I encourage you to reach out to Alliance for Children and just talk.
Read about other birth mothers like Paige and her unplanned pregnancy.
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