From Red-Tape to Happy Home

We became aware of Alliance for Children after we had previously completed a home study and were matched with a teenager out of state.  We ran into multiple delays and red-tape due to different state, agency,  and ICPC regulations and were faced with the potential of...
Had I loved him any less – one ounce less

Had I loved him any less – one ounce less

“Had I loved him any less -one ounce less- he would be with me now. My love for him was the only thing that could enable me to break my own heart.” -unknown. Choosing adoption was the hardest and easiest decision I have ever made. I’m sure you’re thinking, how could...
Had I loved him any less – one ounce less

Meeting the Adopting Family

I knew I had wanted to move further into the process and set up a visit to meet them. I also wanted to be able to explore where they lived and see their home, so I could know for myself where my son would grow up. I continued talking with birth mother advisor letting...
Had I loved him any less – one ounce less

Choosing the Adopting Family

Shortly after getting information about adoption, I started to look at choosing a family. I was given a handful of short profiles on families sharing their stories, and why they were choosing adoption. Reading through them was not easy and it was a very emotional...