Bulgaria Adoptions

Over 40 Years Of International Adoption Experience

Bulgaria, located in Eastern Europe, is a Hague Convention Country and adoptions are overseen by Bulgaria’s central authority, the Ministry of Justice. We are able to assist families in all 50 states with an adoption from Bulgaria. The first step is filling out an application and starting your home study. If you live in a state in which we are licensed, we can complete your home study.

Alliance for Children partners with agencies throughout the US and would be happy to assist you in locating a local home study agency if you do not live in a state in which we are licensed. Once your home study is finished, we will assist in filing for USCIS approval and completing a dossier for Bulgaria.

Our program coordinator will guide you through the process. When your dossier is ready, it will be sent to Bulgaria for translation and registration with Bulgaria’s central authority. The next step is waiting to be matched with a child. Once matched, you will receive information about a child. Should you decide to move forward, you will then travel to Bulgaria to meet the child and complete the adoption in country. Our experienced staff will guide you through the process both in Bulgaria and here in the US. Below are more details about our Bulgaria program.​

Adoption Questions

Married heterosexual couples and single women may apply to adopt a child from Bulgaria. Applicants should be in good health with no criminal history and at least 15 years older than the child(ren) to be adopted.

Toddlers; Children up to age 14; Sibling groups; Children with special needs.

1 – 5 years.

Two trips of one week each are required.

Waiting Children

Waiting children are children who are already available for international adoption and are waiting for their forever families. These children are considered by the central authority in their country of origin to be difficult to place. That can be due to the child’s special needs, age or that they are part of a sibling group. Alliance for Children is committed to helping find these children a family that is best equipped to meet their needs.

How To View Waiting Children

Click the button below to be taken to the AFC-Rainbowkids account. Please set up an account on the Rainbowkids site and you will then be able to view all of the AFC Waiting Children profiles.

IMPORTANT: You miust agree to keep any photos, videos, and/or information confidential to protect children’s privacy. You must also agree to not to post or publicly share information without written permission. If you violate the terms of this agreement you will not be allowed to have access to AFC’s photo listing of waiting children.


Follow these links to resources you may need.

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New York State Resident
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